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4 Strategies To Get High Open-Rates in Your Small Business Email Marketing Campaigns

Here are 4 Strategies  to increase your small business email marketing open rates:
Delivering on Time is Key
Through testing you will discover the perfect time to send your email. Split testing is the absolute way to see which emails get the highest open rates. Once you’re discovered the perfect time for you, stick to it consistently! Your readers will come to expect it – like getting to work, flipping open their computers and reading your newsletter over their morning coffee.

Consistency is the key here. Don't send out five emails one week and then a lonesome email two months later. There is more to the Subject Line Than Meets The Eye With split-testing you'll discover some subject lines work better than others. But there is one more key element to consider when people decide to open your newsletter or not. That, my friend – is the excerpt of the first line inside the email.  It baffles me that most email marketers miss this crucial opportunity. You might have seen it in some emails where right after the subject line it says – “click here if you cannot see this email correctly.” Hardly attention-grabbing is it?One method to get around this, for example, is if you send out an html newsletter, you can set the first item in your email to be your logo or an image. You can set the alternative text (ALT text) inside the logo to some text that will entice people to open the email.

Uniqueness is the KEY…
Try and make your emails as unique as possible. If you put the same content on your blog or use it in your articles your readers won’t get as excited about opening your emails. Getting a little personal helps too, something about you that you wouldn’t share on your site or blog. This gives a feeling to your subscribers of being part of an exclusive group which means they’ll be more attentive to your emails. Also if your subscribers notice that you give them specials, offers and discounts exclusively through email that are not advertised on your site or blog, this will often pump up your open rates.

Keep Them Enrolled and Engaged.
Another technique to make sure you have consistent open-rates is to tell people what’s next. This keeps them in anticipation of your next email or newsletter. You can just say, “Next Week I’ll be demonstrating how to…da da da” Just make sure it is capturing and something they’ll look forward too.  So let’s go over the tips again to get the best results from your small business email marketing campaign.

Killer Tips for Higher Open-Rates:
Step 1: Have a consistent email strategy and deliver the emails at the appointed time.
Step 2: Make sure the first sentence subscribers see isn’t “Click here if you cannot see this email correctly”.
Step 3: Give your email readers fresh content that they haven’t seen before. 
Step 4: Give a clue to what’s coming in the following email to keep people glued in.  Get these strategies implemented in your small business email marketing and go get more subscribers!
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